First Solo Entries
Created | Updated Jan 10, 2006
First Solo-Written Edited Entry Roll of Honour
to them all
5th December - 16th December,2005
Firstly, an apology to Lbclaire who should have appeared in the last issue with this first solo Entry:
Lbclaire with their Entry JANET - The UK's Education and Research Network - The Joint Academic NETwork was established in April 1984 to enable universities to share information and research, and it's still an invaluable resource today.
Tom with their Entry Naked Mole Rats - Naked mole rats are small furless mammals that live in underground tunnels, and can be found in the country of Ethiopia...
Nite Owl with their Entry How to Make Satay Sauce - Indonesian in origin and also known as peanut sauce or peanut butter sauce, after its main ingredient...
endless_cups_of_tea with their Entry Forest Hill, London, UK - This fairly pleasant suburb in South London lies between Croydon, Brixton, Dulwich and Lewisham and boasts some fantastic views across the
Xwards with their Entry Ring / Ringu / The Ring: The Novel and The Films - Fans of the film approaching this novel are in store for a shock, and not from the story...
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Running the gauntlet of Peer Review, that's how some Researchers see it. However, it's not that bad if you follow the Writing Guidelines and read the information on the Peer Review page. Also try not to take constructive criticism personally, and remember that all suggestions from reviewers are well intentioned with the design of helping you achieve your aim of getting your Entry into the Edited Guide.
When you have written 25 or more solo Edited Entries and they have been accepted into the Edited Guide, you can claim a Solo-Written Edited Guide Entries Badge and will then be added to the Solo-Writen Edited Entries Roll of Honor
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