Jupiter's Galilean Moons
Created | Updated Jan 19, 2009
Quite clearly a work in progress. Last updated: 18/02/06
Ganymede is the largest of all moons in the solar system, and with a diameter of 5262.4km it is even bigger than the planet Mercury.
Links to include:
A402003 - JupiterDoes little more than mention the Galilean MoonsA79508 - The Solar SystemObviously.
A356924 - Life on EuropaVery short entry. There's lots more information to add that won't overlap with this.
A642160 - An Amazing A-Z of Space"I is for Io". But why does it mention ice volcanoes? I'll have to check this...
A301870 - Astronomy for AmateursMentions that you can see the Galilean Moons through a telescope.
A397316 - TelescopesPossibly link to this in a section about viewing the Galilean moons?
A827309 - How to Choose an Astronomical TelescopePossibly a better link than the one above, since it is more concerned with amateur astronomy.