Created | Updated Jan 19, 2009
Work in progress
We have so many entries on Chemistry and Physics, yet the Geology ones are few and far between. So I think I'll be ambitious and fill in a few gaps.
The driving force
- Structure of the Earth (mantle circulation - need this to explain plumes)
- Plate tectonics (link to A884469 - Plate Tectonics)
- Spreading ridges and subduction zones
Spreading ridges
- Examples - Mid Atlantic Ridge...
- Find a speed of spreading?
- Mechanism of eruption
- Depth of crust
- Discovery - matching up Africa and South America
Subduction zones
Oceanic hotspots
Continental hotspots
Famous eruptions
Volcanoes on other planets
Useful links/information
- Earth
- Earthquakes (this needs updating, too...)
- Yellowstone! And supervolcanoes!1
- Plate tectonics2
- Tambora eruption
- The rock cycle
Hmm, this may actually work better as a Uni project than as a single entry. This would be hard to split up into five entries, though... Three seems more sensible, which wouldn't be enough.