A Conversation for Corsica
Honeymoon 1927
Also ran 1 Started conversation Aug 12, 2002
Thank you so much for the really interesting story of the island of my conception!!. My parents were married in 1927 and flew to Corsica from Aix-en-Provence where they had been married,to Corsica. I remember my Papa telling me about the pigeons the pilot let out when they were halfway to Corsica with the detials of their precise position at the moment.
Sadly I have neber been able to return and now it is probably impossible for me to get there. But thank you so much for giving me an insight to where my parents spent a super honeymoon.
with kind regards. AR1 >schooloffish>
Honeymoon 1927
Also ran 1 Posted Aug 24, 2002
Dear Uncle Zarniwoop(aka) Yak
Why did you ?
And how do you know so much about Corsica? I would love to know!. Regards AR1
Honeymoon 1927
Old Uncle Zarniwoop Posted Aug 24, 2002
Oh you know its always nice to get thanks and appreciation for what you've written.
I've been to Corsica twice, its a beautiful place to spend a holiday and is not to exposed to tourism. I highly recommend you go there.
For most of my entries I use my own experience and then research the subject and write a draft. I usually learn a lot myself.
I'm glad you enjoyed the article
Honeymoon 1927
Also ran 1 Posted Aug 25, 2002
Dear OUZ
Thank you for writing the explanation. How did you get there? I was going about twelve years ago and was going to sail from Cannes to Ajaccio. but somehow it never came off. Now that I am in a wheelchair it is going to be that much more difficult, so the virtual travelling which you have enabled me to do is very much appreciated. Why the do you like them? I do too!. Sincerely, AR1
Honeymoon 1927
Dickiemint Posted Oct 6, 2002
Hi, I have only just come across this site and like you I enjoyed the artical. I am lucky enough to have visited Corsica a number of time's, infact I have just returned 4 days ago. If you would like me to put some views of Corsica on a CD rom and send them to you, I would be delighted.
I did notice one inaccuracy in the artical, Bastia does have an airport, it's called "Poretta" and is a few minutes drive south of Bastia, I used it on my last but one visit, but who's being picky?
Being new here, I hope you might know of a method of contacting me without advertising on this thread.
Honeymoon 1927
Also ran 1 Posted Oct 8, 2002
Dear Dickiemint,
Lucky you!!. I sadly will not be able to go as I am now in a wheelchair. But I would love to know more about it. I have not the faintest idea as to how to receive a CD rom. You will just have to write and tell me about it on this thread. Incidentally I went to your home page. But you have not yet written anything about yourself. It would be nice to know about you.
Very sincerely, AR1
Journal entry-hoorah!
Also ran 1 Posted Oct 10, 2002
Hi Dickiemint
I've been there. Copied it and put it in my address book. Thank you.So now you can tell me what to do!!.
It was so nice to read about your achievements and your super interests which you and your wife share.
With best wishes, AR1
And you got "aced" by a super person. Well done!.
Journal entry-hoorah!
Dickiemint Posted Oct 14, 2002
AR1, Hi
in the middle of my home page info "was" my e-mail address, as you have copied it ; I have now removed it. I am hoping that you can contact me using this e-mail, then I can arrange to send to you some of my "views of Corsica" on a CD.
you will see my e-mail address start's with my name and was between the two main paragraphs, hope to hear from you.
Journal entry-hoorah!
Also ran 1 Posted Jan 12, 2003
Dear Dickimont,
I have been going through my post and notice that I never replied to your very nice letter. Please forgive me. I can only say that I had a rather unpleasant two months at the end of last year when I was not well and whatever illness I have was getting me down.
anway, I have returned to my perky (I hope) self and hope that I can find the address that you so kindly sent me.
I hope that you had a good Christmas and New Year. I have been given the very good news by a new specialist in London that I shall hopefully be able to walk again. Hoorah!. Perhaps I shall eventually get to visit Corsica!.
With kind regards to you and your wife.
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Honeymoon 1927
- 1: Also ran 1 (Aug 12, 2002)
- 2: Old Uncle Zarniwoop (Aug 21, 2002)
- 3: Also ran 1 (Aug 24, 2002)
- 4: Old Uncle Zarniwoop (Aug 24, 2002)
- 5: Also ran 1 (Aug 25, 2002)
- 6: Dickiemint (Oct 6, 2002)
- 7: Also ran 1 (Oct 8, 2002)
- 8: Dickiemint (Oct 9, 2002)
- 9: Also ran 1 (Oct 10, 2002)
- 10: Dickiemint (Oct 14, 2002)
- 11: Also ran 1 (Jan 12, 2003)
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