A Conversation for How to Fake an English Accent in a Chatroom

Guess what?

Post 1


This may come as a bit of a shock, but not all English people are from London.

No, really.

AND I HATE FRIKKIN TEA!!!! smiley - steam

Guess what?

Post 2

Arwen, Queen of Reunited Gondor and Arnor

yes, and i am american (minnesotan, no less) and i LOVE tea. tea is good. i like a good earl grey or darjeeling. but, i hate to sound like i'm trying to sound smart. i like tea. that's all there is to it.

Guess what?

Post 3


Hi smiley - smiley ! I'm British and I prefer freshly brewed Lapsang Souchong (Chinese tea), although mostly I drink peppermint 'tea' which doesn't contain any tea smiley - tea at all.

As this all started about the use of words, I think most English people would be unwilling to abandon the capitalisation (sic) of special words like proper names. So your 'lower case throughout' is a bit of a give-away. (Do Americans write 'thruout' ? smiley - erm )

Guess what?

Post 4


PS Queen Arwen - Do you live anywhere near Lake Wobegon ?

Guess what?

Post 5

Arwen, Queen of Reunited Gondor and Arnor

smiley - laugh sorry that doesn't exist, but i absolutely ADORE Prarie Home Companion.

Guess what?

Post 6


Im english and we dont all drink tea. Infact i dont even like tea

Guess what?

Post 7


Then you'd better have something stronger, lumefayle. smiley - alesmiley - cakesmiley - stiffdrink

Guess what?

Post 8


lol yeah thats more llike it

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