NAITA's Dog-ears

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Since I use multiple computers1 to edit my entries in the Guide it makes little sense to use browser bookmarks to store often referred to entries like the different 'GuideML how-to's and other usefull things. It's also occured to me that linking entries I like in the journal entries might give visitors someplace interesting to go, but it's not the best way for me to organize entries I might want to revisit. So here we go, welcome to NAITA's Dog-ears2.

After a while I realized that having to go by this page to get at the useful links was a bother, so I moved them to my personal space. Also I've been really bad about adding new entries to this list of favourites, but I'll get better, next week. ;)






1and even multiple browsers on one computer2Merriam-Webster: 'the turned-down corner of a page especially of a book'.

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