A Conversation for One-hit Wonders


Post 1


The definition that the Guiness Book of Hit Singles has used in the past was "One number one hit and nothing else" - never even creeping into the top 75. Also that the particular performer combination must be unique. so, for instance, Bowie had solo hits and Frank Sinatra had solo hits, but they only had one hit together, so that was eligible. However, the modern trend for bizarre Euro/American-techno-dance-combo-thingies, with words like 'featuring' and 'versus' in the title has rather made the 'unique performer' bit more difficult. Perhaps now we should say the only hit on which the princple performers worked as principle performers? gets a little wordy, but we're well into smiley - geek country here anyway! smiley - winkeyesmiley - tongueout

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