A Conversation for Surviving Toddler Tantrums

Don't Panic!

Post 1

Simon the Silly Sausage (Gone AWOL from h2g2)

The two words printed on the front of the H2G2 apply very well to handling todler tantrums.
The calmer you can remain, the sooner the child resumes normality.

I have noticed that my 3 year old son plays up the most when his parents are stressed out and tired. When we stay calm and relaxed, he also chills out completely and never throws any tantrums.
I know it can be hard to stay calm when you have kids, sleepess nights and other worries have you pulling your hair out. but if you can, it will really help.

Don't Panic!

Post 2


Well Si you stay calm.... I pull my hair out.



Don't Panic!

Post 3

Simon the Silly Sausage (Gone AWOL from h2g2)

Lol, between us we make a pretty good team though I think smiley - smiley
If we were both as laid back as me the kids would walk all over us.

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