A Conversation for Best Student Jobs
Friar Started conversation Jun 9, 2002
Most restaurants, taverns and pubs do greater business in the summer. The weather is nice, more people are walking outside and therefore there are more people likely to need that drink.
At the University of Michigan, here in the States, I bartended each summer I stayed on campus. I'm a rather big fellow (6'1", 250 lbs) so they used me to check IDs at the door and assist with unruly customers.
After successfully keeping underaged drinkers barred and throwing half a dozen drunken fraternity boys on their butts, the powers that be decided I was worthy to be trained as a bartender.
After a month or so the entire waitstaff (we were all pretty new for summer pub-work) was cooperating, drinking in our bar after we closed and the partied at one another's house for the rest of the morning until it was time for work the next day.
Since most of the waitstaff was 18-21 year old ladies, this was a dream job. Being behind the bar and being basically the guy who solved everyone's "problems" (I was still the guy throwing people out) I was everyone's friend.
The money was great. I could make $200-300 on a busy night. Most of that was in cash which we illegally didn't report on our taxes.
I ended up bartending until I graduated. I am in medical school now, but I still daydream about those glorious summers behind the bar.
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