The h2g2 Post 25.10.10

2 Conversations

Posted: 25th October 2010



Baby it's cold outside

This has to be one of the coldest Octobers since - oh, I don't remember. Even meteorologists state that despite the first two weeks when it was sunny and dry, the average is way too cold for October.

At least I get warm when ironing, but that's the only positive thing I can say about it. Good job there is the Post: our time-travel challenge had quite a few responses, the last two arrived on Sunday. The challenge attracted two Post novices, Auburn Time Lord makes his début today, and next week will see another début. So, if you want to join in the fun, send us your submission.

It is Hallowe'en soon, and no hootooer can miss it, as the anagramming of nicknames started weeks ago. This was the first year that I couldn't be bothered to try to find out who is behind which anagram. I just don't have the time and energy. However, we won't ignore Hallowe'en, seeing as our next issue will be on All Saints, so not too late for some spooky articles if you feel inclined to send us some. They don't have to be Hallowe'en related, though1.

Please, have fun with and be inspired by the current issue of the Post.
















  • Musical Notes

  • h5ringer is worried that we'll not be able to hear

    professional orchestras on the radio for much longer.

















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1Personally, I'm much more intrigued by Guy Fawkes Day on 5 November. smiley - winkeye

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