A Conversation for Strip Clubs
Strip Clubs
Darth Moor Started conversation Jul 12, 1999
I have been in a few strip clubs and I have noticed that the women in the club stripping are sometimes very shy adn need a lot of money to get going, I am on a budget so I say that they should either get paid more or the men who go in there should pay a good £50 before just towards the strippers. They do have families aswell. That's my thoughts about it anyway.
Strip Clubs
Hexar Posted Mar 28, 2000
As someone who has spent a lot of time in strip clubs, both as a patron and as a doorman, I'd have to say that the women who are too shy are either (a) using it as an act to try and move more money from the patron's wallet to her g-string, or (b) not cut out for that line of work.
As far as paying them more goes, in most of the clubs I've been involved in the dancer makes what she can in tips, PERIOD. If she cannot come out of her shell and talk men out of their money then there are other jobs out there for her. Stripping is not a job for the weak, it takes weak women and either hardens them or chews them up and spits them out. Yes, some of them are there working as single mothers to support themselves and their children because they've found that it pays better than working at McDonald's or other jobs of that stripe. But the woman is in most cases a private contractor and as such, what money she makes is in her hands.
A bit cold and cruel, yes but we are not talking about a nice neat business.
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