A Conversation for Star Trek - the Science Fiction Phenomenon

You forgot to mention....

Post 1


.....as well as getting all the girls, Kirk always seems to get into a fight with some bloke in a quarry and get his shirt ripped.

He talks in the same slow way that Tony Blair talks too - I heard it was so the camera stayed on him longer.

You forgot to mention....

Post 2

Researcher 198131

That does not surprise me one bit. Mr. Shatner does love a bit of attention.

smiley - elf

You forgot to mention....

Post 3


So I've heard. I remember hearing that early drafts of the scripts would have loads of lines for Uhura, but in later drafts they'd been dropped at Shatner's suggestion. Think that might have happened with others too.

You forgot to mention....

Post 4

Researcher 198131

Yeah, I'm pretty sure there were episodes where poor old Chekov didn't get to say anything at all.

smiley - elf

You forgot to mention....

Post 5


Wouldn't suprise me. And he had to wear that wig to top it all!

You forgot to mention....

Post 6

Researcher 198131

I heard that they wanted his hair to look like the hairstyles 'The Monkees' wore.

smiley - elf

You forgot to mention....

Post 7


No offense to them, but I'm not so sure it worked.


Post 8


Did you know that the Pheonix was the first ever warp capable starship ever made. It was created in 2063 by some hobo guy...(watch Star Trek:First contact!)smiley - laugh


Post 9


Yeah. Good movie. Though not sure bout that whiskey stuff.

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