Balwyniti Court Circular #3

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Welcome to the Second Balwyniti Court Circular as prepared by the Royal Court Reporter.

It has been a quiet 5 months or so in the pleasant Kingdom of Balwyniti. The members of the court have (mostly) been taking it easy, chroming the fanbelt on the Kingswood, watching the cricket and cheering their favourite teams, throwing another prawn on the barbie - all popular summer pursuits. Even His smiley - monsterMajesty took a few weeks off to rest and recuperate, before returning to upgrade the castle interface so that he can now watch the gerbils riding unicycles in the Royal Hamster House without leaving his banqueting hall.

His smiley - monster Majesty has also approved a union between TJ, the loyal lackey to their royal highnesses, and Princess Shea. There will be a large gala celebration on the day of their nuptials, however until then they are observing the ancient Balwyniti courting customs. As this will be the first royal wedding for many years, there is considerable interest in the revival of these customs - most of which are only known to those whose families can trace their ancestry back to the first King of Balwyniti, who incidentally is the current one.

Balwyniti Bakery has been doing a brisk trade recently in toast and honey and also toast with cinnamon sugar, although the presence of a large smiley - blackcat has caused some disturbance among the patrons.

In the Haunted Dungeon, Mistadrong, UncleHeavy and The Evil One have been investigating the content of a locked chest with some very suprising results. (One of the three got zapped, another one fluttered and cooed in a short skirt and one handed out pastry while watching the buttons move smiley - winkeye - but I will never tell which was which).

Intrepid explorer, Silverygibbon, his sphinx and an enthusiastic group of adventure seekers including King smiley - monsterCthulhu, with Inkwash, MingMang, Mistdancer, Happydude, Floh(the cynic), Ottox, Mistadrong, The Evil One, their royal highnesses, princess broelan and Princess Shea set out (after several false starts and a couple of changes of conveyance) for the far plateau that contains some mysterious ruins. They have bravely warded off an attack by some mutant killer cardigans (pink and fairisle pattern I think) and an unidentified harrier jet.

But, to date, the worst peril the bold explorers have faced was an attack of the puns that infected even the most serious minded of them. It took the courage of Princess Shea to bring the expedition back into focus.

The Spider Sanctuary has also been quiet with Princess Broelan, being include in the general decor with a web being spun from her nose to her smiley - bunnyslipper. Although at last count there were two other people now slumbering beside her royal highness,and there have been some concerns raised about the possibility of a magic spell at work.

There was an enormous celebration in early February for the official birthday of His Most Awfulness. While his actual age is a well kept state secret the populace thronged around the castle, just waiting to catch a glimpse of the birthday boy. There were untold smiley - gifts, vats of smiley - oj and of course, as is the tradition in Balwyniti, the royal smiley - choc maker had made his majesty his weight in smiley - choc truffles.

Platypus 2

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