A Conversation for Great Islands

Ko Tao

Post 1

Ek* this space intentionally left blank *ki

Of all the islands I've been to this one sticks out as the best. I understand from a lot of people that it has changed a huge amount since I was there back in the halcyon days of the mid-90's so don't take what I'm saying as gospel.

In the Gulf of Thailand lie a multitude of undoubted havens for the budding Leonardos among us. Besides Phuket there are three other islands which are well known and as a result well travelled: Ko Samui, Ko Pha Ngan and the smallest of the triumvirate, Ko Tao.

Ko Samui receives package tours and has a McDonalds and Ko Pha Ngan is (or rather was) reknowned for it's full moon parties. Having skipped over Ko Samui with a deftness that would have put Zinedine Zidanes skills to shame, we ended up on Koh Pha Ngan to partake of one of these infamous full moon parties.

After 4 days of a decidedly nocturnal life style we decided to venture to the neighbouring island of Ko Tao which was by popular voice, the most relaxed of the lot. We boarded the boat and wended our merry way.

As we're all aware, time is but an illusion (lunch time even more so) so how long it took to get there is unimportant. We arrived on to a wooden jetty and were instantly set upon by the 5 guest house owners each under cutting the next. We eventually opted for the lowest asking price and ended up staying in the last set of beach huts on the island.

The seas were calm and clear the beaches deserted just the place to wind down after a month on the go.

As for things to do, beyond exploring the island, you could hop on a boat which took you to the only place in the world where there are three islands all joined by one beach (obviously only at low tide!) In the sea of these islands (who's names have escaped me) was the most amazing snorkelling and swimming.

On Ko Tao itself we found what was universally agreed to be the finest Banana Milkshake this side of Utopia, and even then it was yapping at its heels. Whether it was the milkshake itself or the whole experience I don't know ... 5 of us trooped off on a tour of the island and stumbled upon a café which jutted out from the top of the cliff looking out to the south east. Hammocks and huge cushions festooned the sitting area and as the sun beamed in we wolfed down gallons of the bananay nectar ... no milkshake has come close and I doubt one ever will.

The week we spent there was one of the most relaxing and therapeutic weeks I've ever had. We were about 9 by the end, picking up waifs and strays and generally behaving like 10 year olds ... awesome.

As I said, apparently it has changed a huge amount and is no longer the relaxed paradise it once was ...

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