A Conversation for Tips for Best Man Speeches

Best Man speech joy!

Post 1


After much deliberating and worrying my Best Man speech went extremely well, I got a standing ovation which and many plaudits afterwards. The key is to not to focus purely on humour, include jokes absolutely, just don't forget to compliment at the appropriate time. In fact the applause I received for a few witty comments as I praised the Bride & Groom brought the loudest applause until the standing ovation at the end.

I spent hours searching the net for the best speech for me and settled on http://www.speechsuccess.com/best-man-speeches.html, if I'm ever asked to be Best Man again I would definitely use them again.

Best Man speech joy!

Post 2


Well done mate, I am pleased to hear you have made such a success of your Best man's speech. I notice that you recommended a different site last year, you must have been thinking about this speech for a long time?

They are both USA sites and to be honest I think you have done well to make a success by using USA written material. In general I would advise people to use sites in the country they live in for their speeches, as the different styles don't cross over.smiley - ale

Best Man speech joy!

Post 3


Cheers mate, my research did start early (the day after I was told that I was to be Best Man)as I was nervous about speaking in front of a large crowd of people, due to my health (brain tumor). The fact that they are based in USA didnt impact my speech, people were still coming up to congratulate me the day after the wedding.

A colleague of mine said he found Best Man Training (http://www.bestmantraining.com/index14.html) very useful but hopefuly I fulfilled my role as Best Man for a while now!smiley - laugh

Best Man speech joy!

Post 4


Hi Mate,
Thanks for the reply and tip.
I am very sorry to hear about your condition, bless you. You did very well under the circumstances and I am proud of you.
If I had the power of healing, I would be round today.
Take Care

Best Man speech joy!

Post 5


Cheers pal, planning for the speech managed to allow me focus on something else other than the illness for a while. My hair had grown back (somewhat) for the Big Day which was great (for the photos etc), there were plenty of tears shed (joyful may I add) smiley - ok, but a great day was had by all.


Post 6


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Post 7

Malcolm Perkins

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