A Conversation for Swindon, Wiltshire, UK
A Lucky Escape.
Scott Bennett-AKA Scoop Started conversation Jan 17, 2002
My grandparents used to live in Highworth (a nice place that) and partly as a result of this, partly the vaguries of my Dad's thames water job we very nearly moved to swindon when I was 11. We had chosen the house and were ready to move in when squatters got in and through a legal loophole were impossible to evict.
I would dearly love to meet those squatters and buy them a drink. To think I nearly grew up in swindon instead of LONDON. What the F..k were my parents thinking. I'd take the hanger lane gyratory system (there's a nice article about that on this site) ove the magic roundabout any day.
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A Lucky Escape.
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