A Conversation for Jack Russell Terriers
Researcher 234671 Started conversation Aug 1, 2003
Terriers are annoying little yappy things.
You'd be much better off with a miniature schnauzer, bred for good temperament, seldon barks and loves everybody and everything.
DogManStar Posted Aug 1, 2003
My terrier is neither yappy nor annoying. Matter of opinion/upbringing I suppose.
Not Yappy, just demanding
Researcher 241593 Posted Sep 12, 2003
Our JR is 2 yrs old. He is not Yappy at all, in fact he has a rather large-dog bark for such a small animal. I have found that he is incredibly demanding though, needing much more than just love and affection. What Buddy demands is more like worship.
He is a great companion for my German Shepherd (Jerzy) during the day when the people are off at work. She provides him with enough entertainment that he does not destroy my house or dig out of the yard (Buddy confines his many excavation projects to the middle of the yard for some reason), and Jerzy is no longer lonely and destructive during the day.
Would I ever get another JR? Absolutely, he is great entertainment. Would I have two at once? Not on your life.
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