A Conversation for The Life and Works of JRR Tolkien
A Niggle About a Name
Mat Lindsay (the researcher formerly known as Nylarthotep...now he has a name, all he needs is a face) Started conversation Sep 28, 2002
Nice article, but the name of the short story is "Leaf by Niggle" rather than "Leaf and Tree."
A Niggle About a Name
Gorthaur Posted Oct 15, 2002
I think maybe that in the context he's given the list, he/she does actually mean "Tree and Leaf" since that is the name of the book that contains various short works including "Leaf by Niggle".
A Niggle About a Name
TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office Posted Mar 3, 2004
Tree and Leaf contains: 1. Introduction
(A short paragraph)
2. On Fairy Stories
(A fascinating essay derived from a lecture he gave outlining his opinions on fairy stories as a serious art form)
3. Leaf by Niggle
(A short story which is, unusually for Tolkien, probably partly alegorical: for Niggle, read Tolkien)
(I can't get indents to work so I've used smilies instead.)
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A Niggle About a Name
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