A Conversation for Buying a Car
Sir Kitt Started conversation Oct 28, 2001
I am a great fan of buying second hand cars, for all of the very good reason stated in this entry. But there is one aspect of a new car that is worth considering. Safety. Generally speaking the older the car the less safety features it has. Older car are less likely to have ABS Airbags or in the case of the very old even seatbelts!
A Morris Minor will give you very cheap motoring but its brakes won't stop you anywhere near as quickly as a modern car (even without ABS). If you do hit something there are no crumple zones no energy absorption. It will likely break up and break you up too.
Worth bearing in mind.
Finally I would like to say "Good on you" to all new car buyers, for without them there would be no second hand cars for the rest of us.
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