A Conversation for A Postman's Guide to Letterboxes
Wipe em out I say!
I'm not really here Started conversation Sep 14, 2001
I agree with all of this! I was a paper person for more years than I care to remember at school, as my dad worked in the shop marking them up before departing to do the country round in his van. I got phoned up everytime someone was ill, on holiday, or just plain useless.
I would say that you've forgotten to mention the people that put the letterbox inside the porch, and then lock the porch. Or who just go the whole way and hide the front door, so you have to wander around the outside of the house trying to find it, feeling like a peeping tom or a burglar.
Wipe em out I say!
Researcher 182562 Posted Sep 14, 2001
Is there any similarity between a paper person and a straw man? Did you finally, like Pinochio, get to be a real boy?
Wipe em out I say!
Bluebottle Posted Sep 15, 2001
But you are definately real.
I remember when I had my paper round - the things I hated most were:
1.) High street shops which NEVER have house numbers on.
2.) The posh roads in which the houses refused to have a number, but a name instead. So you had to stare at each name plate to see which house to deliver each paper to, making it almost impossible to find out where in the road it was.
You know, there was one road in which all the houses had a name plate outside, and all the houses were called the same thing. Can you guess what it was?
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Wipe em out I say!
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