A Conversation for Tea

Whats Your Drink of Choice???

Post 1


Granted Tea is not the most popular drink in the US, but I don't think its really low on the list. Yes we may not know how to make a good cup of Tea around here, but its not all that bad. I'm soda or coffee person my self, but I have been known to have a cup of Earl Grey tea on occation, which is made in boiling water I might add, and I drink it hot too, because it is disgusting cold. But I don't make a habbit of drinking tea, it often puts me to sleep, I perfer a nice hot steaming cup of Joe, which is so strong that it can eat through steel, and so thick that you can stand a spoon up in it. What do you like?

Whats Your Drink of Choice???

Post 2


What amazes me is the amount of people that cannot make a decent cup of Instant Coffee. Unlike tea, instant coffee requires BOILED WATER not BOILING WATER. If boiling water is poured onto the unsuspecting instant coffee, all the essential oils (which contain the flavour) are evaporated. The kettle should be boiled and left to stand for about 2 minutes before the water is added to the instant coffee. Using this method even the cheapest brand of instant coffee WILL taste better - try it.


Whats Your Drink of Choice???

Post 3

Doormouse busker

On a completely different note, has anyone ever tried Vodka with Red

Whats Your Drink of Choice???

Post 4

Researcher 18810

What IS the deal with the Vodka and Red Bull?
I've tried it (and liked it) but it's costs sooooooo much, that it wouldn't be my "Drink of Choice" - gimme a V&T anyday!

Whats Your Drink of Choice???

Post 5


Dim Spirit As Depressant
Dim Mixer As Stimulant
Dim Mood As Variant
Set Spirit = Vodka
Set Mixer = Red_Bull
If IsDrunk Spirit + Mixer Then
Mood = Good
Mood = Wanting
End If

Whats Your Drink of Choice???

Post 6


Dim Spirit As Depressant
Dim Mixer As Stimulant
Dim Mood As Variant
Set Spirit = Vodka
Set Mixer = Red_Bull
If IsDrunk Spirit + Mixer Then
Mood = Good
Mood = Wanting
End If

Whats Your Drink of Choice???

Post 7


Function Drinking()

Dim Spirit As Depressant
Dim Mixer As Stimulant
Dim Mood As Variant
Set Spirit = Vodka
Set Mixer = Red_Bull
If IsDrunk Spirit + Mixer Then
Mood = Good
Mood = Wanting
End If

End Function

Whats Your Drink of Choice???

Post 8

Miss Gunn

Consequently, I'm quite happy with Jameson, however, last night I had armaretto in my french vanilla coffee, a good stout is nice too, but when it comes to tea, I MUST have a selection. My current tea fetish lies with a loose jasmine tea, follwed by the Earl and perhaps a nice peppermint tea, fruity teas are nice with shortbread, lemon is good, to hell with the milk (that's for your cereal), currently I am drinking apple juice, however I will be drinking cheap beer in a pub down the street and telling a chap that I'm not interested in a relationship with him but thank you for the bloody awful beer. Seriously, if the bloke wanted a chance with me he shouldn't have drank up my Jameson.

Whats Your Drink of Choice???

Post 9

Rathgrith - Researcher 36670

The perfect cup of coffee is made with fresh, filtered, cold water. A good coffee pot will heat the water to the correct temperature, and will only get confused if you try to help it along by adding warm or hot water. If a gold filter is unavailable (not the end of the world), then an unbleached paper filter will work. Cone, not bucket.

Cream and sugar to taste; there is no right or wrong way. But in the case of a coffee beverage where the milk must be steamed, I will warn you that skim milk, or nonfat, tends to taste spoiled.

A note on the beans. They taste best when they have been ground mere seconds prior to brewing. If the person you're buying them from tells you to store them in the freezer, then back away slowly, avoid eye contact, and quickly go somewhere else. Beans that have been roasted properly do not need to be frozen or refridgerated. Only mass produced, over-roasted, mediocre coffee should be stored in the freezer.

Instant coffee is not coffee. Which is not to say that no one is allowed to enjoy it; I just wanted to clarify for those who may not realize that "coffee" and "instant coffee" fall into two completely different categories. Much like "wine" and "grape juice."

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