A Conversation for Lemmings - the Classic Computer Game

Lemmings Music

Post 1

Munch Dûnadan, The Technical Cynical Heifer & Actor

I LIKE the Lemmings music- how dare you call it irritating?? smiley - winkeye

Lemmings Music

Post 2

Tilly - back in mauve

smiley - musicalnote"Dum di-da de dum-dum da, dum-dum da, dum-dum da..." (London Bridge is Falling Down) smiley - headhurts

smiley - winkeye

Lemmings Music

Post 3


The music on Lemmings was plinky-plonky enough, but does anyone remember Jet Set Willy? The music on that was catastrophically awful - and it burrowed into your head for weeks on end.

Lemmings Music

Post 4

SmartGamer, Keeper of That Which Breaks Down Easily [(11*5)-(4*2+5)=42] (Scout)

I have an old DOS Lemmings CD- turns out it uses Red Book Audio, which means it's a hybrid CD. It's part music CD, part data CD- the music is played just by reading a track the CD!

The useful part about this is that you can stick the thing into a CD player, skip the data track (1), and listen for a while...

smiley - sheep

Lemmings Music

Post 5

Jed the Humanoid -Keeper of things lost down the back of the sofa-also the Chief Mad Drunken Warrior of the Anti Squirrel League

I loved the music....the best ones were the cheesy versions of the old classical songs...I remember trying to Learn Mozarts (?) Rondo Alla Turc for piano after someone played it and i recognised it from lemmings. I got about half way there and then gave up due to my incessant lazines...
Anyway..lemmings rule

Lemmings Music

Post 6

Uber Phreak

The lemmings saying "let's go" is a promonent feature of the remix of the inspector gadget theme(techno), downloadable off your favorite file sharing network.

Lemmings Music

Post 7

Cenuij Mu, Thingite Farmer of Seamonkeys, Friend, Desires to become a fanatical title collector [(-1+9)+((5+1)*7)-8=42]

The Acorn (RISC OS) version of Lemmings is DEFINITIVE! I will defend this opinion heartily and with a spoon. smiley - grr

No other version I have played (I've played at least 4) looks or sounds as good. If your machine is fast enough to get RedSquirrel (Acorn emulator, I never remember the URL) up and running, try it and you will see. (Hopefully this will also enlighten you as to the many wonders of RISC OS smiley - smiley ).

Back to the subject in hand, the music: it is the most brilliant thing ever! More brilliant than an extremely brilliant thing on a stick, in fact. (However, I speak only of "Lemmings" and "Oh No More Lemmings", the only two games I have played, and only of the quality of music in the Acorn versions.)

Anyone know where I could get a copy of the Acorn version of Tribes?

Lemmings Music

Post 8

Pete, never to have a time-specific nick again (Keeper of Disambiguating Semicolons) - Born in the Year of the Lab Rat


It comes with 27 other games smiley - smiley

Just the results of a quick Google search.

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