A Conversation for Lemmings - the Classic Computer Game
Lemmings Music
Munch Dûnadan, The Technical Cynical Heifer & Actor Started conversation Aug 12, 2001
Lemmings Music
Dubba Posted Oct 1, 2001
The music on Lemmings was plinky-plonky enough, but does anyone remember Jet Set Willy? The music on that was catastrophically awful - and it burrowed into your head for weeks on end.
Lemmings Music
SmartGamer, Keeper of That Which Breaks Down Easily [(11*5)-(4*2+5)=42] (Scout) Posted Oct 1, 2001
I have an old DOS Lemmings CD- turns out it uses Red Book Audio, which means it's a hybrid CD. It's part music CD, part data CD- the music is played just by reading a track the CD!
The useful part about this is that you can stick the thing into a CD player, skip the data track (1), and listen for a while...
Lemmings Music
Jed the Humanoid -Keeper of things lost down the back of the sofa-also the Chief Mad Drunken Warrior of the Anti Squirrel League Posted Oct 1, 2001
I loved the music....the best ones were the cheesy versions of the old classical songs...I remember trying to Learn Mozarts (?) Rondo Alla Turc for piano after someone played it and i recognised it from lemmings. I got about half way there and then gave up due to my incessant lazines...
Anyway..lemmings rule
Lemmings Music
Uber Phreak Posted Oct 2, 2001
The lemmings saying "let's go" is a promonent feature of the remix of the inspector gadget theme(techno), downloadable off your favorite file sharing network.
Lemmings Music
Cenuij Mu, Thingite Farmer of Seamonkeys, Friend, Desires to become a fanatical title collector [(-1+9)+((5+1)*7)-8=42] Posted May 26, 2002
The Acorn (RISC OS) version of Lemmings is DEFINITIVE! I will defend this opinion heartily and with a spoon.
No other version I have played (I've played at least 4) looks or sounds as good. If your machine is fast enough to get RedSquirrel (Acorn emulator, I never remember the URL) up and running, try it and you will see. (Hopefully this will also enlighten you as to the many wonders of RISC OS ).
Back to the subject in hand, the music: it is the most brilliant thing ever! More brilliant than an extremely brilliant thing on a stick, in fact. (However, I speak only of "Lemmings" and "Oh No More Lemmings", the only two games I have played, and only of the quality of music in the Acorn versions.)
Anyone know where I could get a copy of the Acorn version of Tribes?
Lemmings Music
Pete, never to have a time-specific nick again (Keeper of Disambiguating Semicolons) - Born in the Year of the Lab Rat Posted Feb 1, 2003
It comes with 27 other games
Just the results of a quick Google search.
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Lemmings Music
- 1: Munch Dûnadan, The Technical Cynical Heifer & Actor (Aug 12, 2001)
- 2: Tilly - back in mauve (Oct 1, 2001)
- 3: Dubba (Oct 1, 2001)
- 4: SmartGamer, Keeper of That Which Breaks Down Easily [(11*5)-(4*2+5)=42] (Scout) (Oct 1, 2001)
- 5: Jed the Humanoid -Keeper of things lost down the back of the sofa-also the Chief Mad Drunken Warrior of the Anti Squirrel League (Oct 1, 2001)
- 6: Uber Phreak (Oct 2, 2001)
- 7: Cenuij Mu, Thingite Farmer of Seamonkeys, Friend, Desires to become a fanatical title collector [(-1+9)+((5+1)*7)-8=42] (May 26, 2002)
- 8: Pete, never to have a time-specific nick again (Keeper of Disambiguating Semicolons) - Born in the Year of the Lab Rat (Feb 1, 2003)
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