A Conversation for Madeira

Madeira independence

Post 1

Researcher 234039

As a portuguese I was very surprised to read that Madeira was independent. When did that happen? Surely after the 1 pm news! Until then Madeira (as well as Açores) was an autonomous region of Portugal. It had a regional governement and parliament, but followed the general laws and constitution. They were as much Portugal as Lisboa. They were the same to Portugal as the Canary Islands are to Spain. But now they are independent and I'm sure they don't know! I hope I don't need a passport the next time I go there.

Madeira independence

Post 2

Ugi - Keeper of typos & spelling errers - MAT (see A575912)

Hello and my apologies for the slow reply - I hope you will remain on h2g2 and help contiribute to other entries.

My apologies for the mistake - clearly the political situation is rather more complicated than I had realised. Perhapse the first paragraph should read "now an autonomous region" rather than "now independent".

There is also an error in the wine part - the black grape from which "mass market" Madeira wine is made is tinto negro rather than pino verde, which I think is a green grape anyway - goodness knows what I was thinking of when I wrote that smiley - erm.

What I don't know is whether I can get an edited entry corrected easily - I'll work on it and see.

Cheers smiley - cheers


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