A Conversation for Restless Leg Syndrome


Post 1


Hey! Looks like I've been suffering from RLS for years without even knowing it! I used to think this rather, err, bizarre condition (have you ever tried describing to people what it feels like?? - "Well, you know, I lie down, and my legs start moving...") was a symptom of my ever-increasing madness...
Now I know I may be mad, but thanks to you, at least this leg thing can be cured!

Thank you!!!


Post 2

You can call me TC

You don't mention the menopause at all - I thought this was the only time people got it? At least I've only heard of menopausal women getting it. Now I know I was mistaken.

I can hardly say it is cheering to know that anyone can get it. The only time I had it was after I had had an emergency operation and was in intensive care (with about 8 tubes hanging out of me, and thus practically tied to the bed). On reading your explanationsI now see that it may have been caused by the medication I was receiving at the time, which is a relief. And I certainly don't want to get it again in a hurry, so I'm glad to see someone taking it seriously.

When I get a cramp, I try very hard to relax the muscles, breath slowly and wait for it to go away. But nothing helped this RLS business. I kept wanting to push against the foot of the bed and can imagine too much of this driving you mad.


Post 3

Amanda Noon

Ahh finally a page about this odd thing which has caused many a huffed argument at night in our ooue. I've been known to run upa nd down the stairs to try and get it to go. I know that alcohol sets mine off but sometimes ... well the need to get blotto wins over the need for a good nights sleep.

I find propping feet up on a pillow sometimes helps. When I was pregnant it was a nightmare. What with legs and the baby.... if it wasn't one it was the other. Now I drink very little tea and coffee and watch teh alcohol intake too close to bedtime.

I hope I never have it bad enough to have to take drugs to stop it.

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