A Conversation for Whooping Cough - Bordetella pertussis
Farlander Started conversation Jan 21, 2003
sorry for nitpicking but i just had to point this out because i don't think it's a typo - the organism responsible for whooping cough is Bordetella pertussis (as in Bordet and Gengou), and not Bordtella pertussis. also, there may be people who will wonder about the incubation period. any chance of remedying this?
World Service Memoryshare team Posted Jan 22, 2003
Dear Farlander,
Thanks for this - I've now changed it to Bordetella pertussis. What is the incubation period and where's the best place to put it?
World Service Memoryshare team Posted Jan 23, 2003
Um... nitpicking? What's wrong with that?
World Service Memoryshare team Posted Jan 24, 2003
I'm so not with it this week, I haven't been very well and its obviously affected my brain, too! Done now
Farlander Posted Jan 24, 2003
the incubation period is between 7 to 10 days, with a range of 5-21. sorry i couldn't get back to you before, but the lab computer died.
glad to be of help!
World Service Memoryshare team Posted Jan 24, 2003
Dear Farlander,
Sorry, but what do you mean by 'with a range of 5-21'?
Farlander Posted Jan 25, 2003
5-21 days is the incubation range; 7-10 is the most frequent incubation period. sorry i wasn't clear enough!
Key: Complain about this post
- 1: Farlander (Jan 21, 2003)
- 2: World Service Memoryshare team (Jan 22, 2003)
- 3: cafram - in the states. (Jan 23, 2003)
- 4: World Service Memoryshare team (Jan 23, 2003)
- 5: cafram - in the states. (Jan 24, 2003)
- 6: World Service Memoryshare team (Jan 24, 2003)
- 7: Farlander (Jan 24, 2003)
- 8: World Service Memoryshare team (Jan 24, 2003)
- 9: Farlander (Jan 25, 2003)
- 10: World Service Memoryshare team (Jan 27, 2003)
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