Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
Welcome to the h2g2 TypOrphanage - now administered by the
h2g2 TyPolytechnic
H2g2 is, of course, wonderful. Unfortunately, like many apparently great creations it has a dark, forgotten side that all too many people pass by without giving a second thought to.
The TypOrphanage is here to help remedy this lamentable situation by giving a home to some of the most forgotten and underprivalaged of h2g2 society - the TypOrphans.

The h2g2 TypOrphanage
The h2g2 TypOrphange is the new home of all those wonderful people and creatures created in h2g2 by a careless key-stroke and then left, abandoned and half-forgotten, even by their creators.

Help us give TypOrphans the home they deserve
If your typo has created a person or creature, don't let them stay out there in the cold h2g2 desert. Bring them in to the warmth of the TypOrphanage by sending a link to their point of creation, so that others may visit them and keep them company.
If you don't know of any homeless TypOrphans, then you can still help.
Become a TypOrphanage Patron, by putting a link to the TypOrphanage on you page and be counted as one of those who cares!
Better still, why not adopt a TypOrphan onto your own space and give them a new home.
TypOrphanage Residents
(well, if you talk to it, it must be a creature, mustn't it?)
TypOrphanage Patrons
- Keeper of typos and spelling errers
- Creator of the May quiet monster
- Feisor BAT
- Creator of the Ugli
- Mr Christopher
- Creator of Walley