A Conversation for Tips on Moving House


Post 1


I speak as a person who has had to (mostly involuntarily) move house seven times in about as many years. I'm now moving for the eighth time and the first thing I did was make a checklist of people I need to inform about the change of address! (I hate to think about the amount of mail for me still going through to old abodes.)
It looks something like this:
1) Cancel electricity, water and gas accounts.
2) Magazine subscriptions.
3) Council tax.
4) T.V. License.
5) Student loans company
6) Bank and credit card
7) Cancel rent payments (mine are set up direct debit so a pretty important one to remember :> )
8) Inform family and friends (I almost forgot this one!)
9) Library card.

I _think_ that covers everything.
My next step is to try and throw away almost everything I own (I still have exercise books from school...all kinds of junk... I'm a hoarder!) It shocked me to see how materialistic I am.

Anyway, wish me luck everyone :>

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