A Conversation for The Language of Snobbery

Cads and bounders

Post 1


I read somewhere that their actual meanings were as follows:

A cad was somebody of noble stock who behaves dishonourably. The key point here is that they should know better.

A bounder was somebody of common stock who has come into money (and thus crossing a social boundary), but who behaves dishonourably.

The key point is that the bounder doesn't know any better, whereas the cad does.

Cads and bounders

Post 2

Icy North

That's interesting. I'm sure many people have used it in that way.

The OED shows the path of the word from 'cadet' and servants, through to the town vs gown distinction, which is why I included it here. If I hadn't read that, I'd have used it in the way you describe, I'm sure. smiley - smiley

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