A Conversation for Bananas

Cramps, and Bugs

Post 1

Uber Phreak

I recently heard that eating bannanas, while providing potassuim to help prevent cramps, attracts mosquitos.

Cramps, and Bugs

Post 2

Lentilla (Keeper of Non-Sequiturs)

Wow... I know that the more carbon dioxide you exude, the more mosquitoes are attracted to you - I hear putting a block of dry ice in the corner of your yard will draw the mosquitoes away from your party. Maybe potassium causes more CO2 to be emitted... hmmm...

Cramps, and Bugs

Post 3


how bizarre! I was thinking about this....when I was in Mexico last December, I ate more bananas in the second week we were there...and got more mosquito bites in the second week.

I´ve heard they like sweet blood more, so you get more bites the more sweet stuff you eat....and bananas are usually fairly sweet I suppose?

smiley - blackcat

Cramps, and Bugs

Post 4

Lentilla (Keeper of Non-Sequiturs)

The banana has starch in it which breaks down into sugar, but it's not really high in sugar. I think it has a lot more to do with your metabolism and how you digest the things you eat. Some people can eat garlic and smell like garlic for a week, for instance. We need to ask a biologist about this one!

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