A Conversation for Dry Skin
Babyoil and salt...
a girl called Ben Started conversation Apr 30, 2001
Well, baby oil is a mineral oil and not very good for you because:
1) it is not absorbed into the skin but just sits on top
2) it contains non-natural(petro?)chemicals
I tried this the other day with olive oil and salt, and ok, the salt was probably too rough, but it is very difficult to manipulate a handful of grit held together with grease.... I got through a lot of both substances, too.
Still, my skin did feel good.
Babyoil and salt...
Sue Posted Apr 30, 2001
Well, you're braver than I am for trying this! I can see that olive oil may be preferable, as you say, baby oil is a petrochemical, but some people do swear by it...
Thanks for reading it too - I'll do an update on this when I get 5 minutes spare to include the olive oil bit.
Any more feedback is more than welcome!
Babyoil and salt...
msmonsy Posted Aug 24, 2001
wow! this is great i never knew that by posing a question somewhere it would turn out to be this
i am glad someone was able to gather all the helpful advise up and make something out of it. as for me and my dry skin...still there only not as bad, i must admit to the baby oil in the shower thing...no, doesn't soak in but using it while still wet does seem to help hold some of the moisture in. then lotion is my best friend and i also try to not make my showers as hot as i used to (i love a good hot shower).
the olive oil is one i haven't tried yet...i cook with it, does that count? LOL! actually, i think my hubby would me evaluated for using olive oil in this way
oh, i did find one other nice thing when it comes to helping with dry skin...exfoliate in the shower...you know, those rough spong things that are brown (mind is blank on the name right now). it removes the top layer of dead skin cells and that combined with lotion, lower shower temps and such seems to work really good (at least for me)
Babyoil and salt...
Sue Posted Sep 6, 2001
Glad you like it Monsy.
Have you seen what you started? http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/a528167 If I'd have known what I was starting on 6 months ago...
Babyoil and salt...
msmonsy Posted Sep 19, 2001
Goodness!! who'd of thunk that one little question would turn into something that helpfull! wonderful job there .
after reading what spawned from a single question i had a coworker with skin problems and i directed her to this page. not sure yet because she hasn't had enough time to see results but i think with all the info there something is bound to work for her.
again, great job...i am glad to see this
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Babyoil and salt...
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