A Conversation for The Controversy Surrounding the Origins of the Taj Mahal

Lets not mess this up...

Post 1


I think, we should not mess with it now. I mean with the structure. Remember the lessons learned from Babari Masjid... If we want to change anything, lets try change what is there, written in our history books. I don't see any point in demolishing the beauty and retrieving Lord Shiva's palace... Better we keep this structure and be proud of it, by changing the history, and not by making it a history. . .

Lets not mess this up...

Post 2


Yes, We shud ofcourse not think of destroying the structure. But the truth shud come out no matter what! Our future generations deserve to know the truth that the taj Mahal was a Vedic temple. Enough of misleading has been done in our history books for too long a time. It's time we took a stand.
This shud also put a stop at those muslim pakis who boast that we(hindus)take pride in an islamic structure(taj mahal).
One thing is sure, my view of the Taj mahal has been changed forever. Would never refer to it as Taj mahal anymore. That is TEJO MAHALAYA, my friends...

Lets not mess this up...

Post 3


Hey Dude ,whats wrong with you ..you know what because of you guys be very silent towards truth have caused a lot of damage to our History .
It would really great if archeolgist would step forward to do a little bit of reasearch on this issue and obviously the truth would be out..

Lets not mess this up...

Post 4


heres a guy with photographic evidence.....


also did you know about the KABA and the 786?

What is the black stone in the KABA?

kaaba link and 786 number......with photos....

and another one......

What happened to Mohammed?

or about Mohammads uncle who was a devout SHIVA worshipper before he was murdered by Mohammed for resisting the conversion to Islam?



and on a seperate note if you don't like war read this poem...


and if you don't agree with the war listen to this....


check me out at my unfinished website for a sneak preview...

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