A Conversation for Sex - An Introduction

Male/Female Friendships/Sexual Tension

Post 1

Night Siren

Is it possible for men and women to be able to share a genuine friendship without the presence of sexual tension? I have found this to be a very difficult task. Or possibly, I just give too much thought to having sex!

Male/Female Friendships/Sexual Tension

Post 2

man thing

What I've seen throughout my life is that such a relationship is bound for the bedroom (or wherever else you prefer). This is especially true when the two interact in privacy, apart from the real world. Besides, what's the harm? Unless of course you are married or the sexual interest is one-sided.

Male/Female Friendships/Sexual Tension

Post 3

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I would like to comment on this....*bookmarking* I'll be back when I have a bit more time...smiley - smiley
man_thing, would you please activate your homepage, so that I may greet you properly? thanks....smiley - smiley

Male/Female Friendships/Sexual Tension

Post 4

Night Siren

Man Thing - you stated that in your opinion that such relationships were bound for the bedroom. I'm just curious, were you not married when you were involved in your friendship with the "oh so attractive Marie"? And I offer this query: did that relationship end up in the bedroom, or any other place that you preferred?

Male/Female Friendships/Sexual Tension

Post 5

The Caffeine Kid

If you do give in to the calling of your loins, its very stressful and difficult going back to being friends... Best case scenario, you wouldnt have to back track to just friends, but life doesnt work like that.

I have made love to friends, and had to go back to being friends, and when it was so good and so perfect, its a killer.

Male/Female Friendships/Sexual Tension

Post 6

Martin Harper

I always thought that the sexual tension was what made such relationships such fun - there's always that unspoken thing there...

Male/Female Friendships/Sexual Tension

Post 7

Mad Max

Either way it's probably better than molesting defenseless rocks -my job as a professional is to crush them creatively, or to melt them.

As one might gather, there aren't many women in engineering, and not only that, engineering is not conducive to learning to dance, which as far as I can tell is the biggest secret to picking-up women.

From past experience, I also realize that being extremely tired and slightly drunk is not a bad plan either. I never could figure out why women were genuinely more friendly under these conditions -I almost figure I ought to go back to throwing freight.

Strange world.

Male/Female Friendships/Sexual Tension

Post 8

Mad Max

If i'd had any more to drink I might have been tempted to reply to myself (sorry folks, I'm suffering from sleep deprivation right now).

Male/Female Friendships/Sexual Tension

Post 9

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

Nah - you don't need to learn how to dance; just learn how to make us laugh. Works for me every time. smiley - biggrin

Male/Female Friendships/Sexual Tension

Post 10

Martin Harper

Dancing is an important life skill though... smiley - smiley
{note that I didn't say *good* dancing}

Male/Female Friendships/Sexual Tension

Post 11

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

Preferably ice dancing... only sort I can do... smiley - silly

Male/Female Friendships/Sexual Tension

Post 12

Martin Harper

Surely that's harder than normal dancing...?

Male/Female Friendships/Sexual Tension

Post 13

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

Well... depends whether you can skate or not. I'm crap at the sort of dancing implied elsewhere in this forum. smiley - sadface

Male/Female Friendships/Sexual Tension

Post 14


How do you know if there is Sexual Tension between two people and that it is not a one sided thing?

Male/Female Friendships/Sexual Tension

Post 15

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Here's the million dollar question.
You are talking either "unrequited", or the "no-hoper" who hangs around anyway, ready to pounce when the chips are down.

Whatever, you should never feign affection.

Male/Female Friendships/Sexual Tension

Post 16


Yes, but it takes time.. and often requires them to just hurry up and get it out of the way. smiley - devil

smiley - rose

Male/Female Friendships/Sexual Tension

Post 17


Yes it is possible to have women as genuine friends and not have sexual tension I my self have women friend and we do not have sexual tension between us some of the women I have sleeped with and it did not change thing between us nad yes I am single.

Male/Female Friendships/Sexual Tension

Post 18

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

You slept with someone and nothing changed?

Do you mean you continued to be friends and never slept with them again, or you still sleep with them but you're not exclusive with each other?
smiley - erm

Male/Female Friendships/Sexual Tension

Post 19


*wanders off topic a bit*

I'm a girl smiley - yuk and I have heaps of male friends but unfortunately it's exceptionally difficult for me to hang around with them, not that we mind but for some reason everyone else seems to, either people think I'm a boy or they bully us or they call me a slut or a prostitute or whatever their new word is. smiley - grr

*puts conversation back on topic*

Male/Female Friendships/Sexual Tension

Post 20

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Sounds like just the same thing is going on like it was when I was at school.
smiley - sadface

smiley - hug

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