Talking Point: Relatives, Don't You Just Love Them?

9 Conversations

A Couple Having a Heated Discussion

This Talking Point is dedicated to all those of you who have just spent a tense Christmas; whether it was at your own home, your parents', or perhaps at your in-laws' or another relative's. Here's to you all!

Relatives, don't you just love them? Well of course you do, but sometimes it's really difficult to get along with those who should always be your nearest and dearest, isn't it? Nobody's perfect and yet when we all get together to celebrate a special event we seem to have high expectations of each other. We expect a lot and often end up disappointed, if not actually jumping down one another's throats. And what with the added strain of preparation - the cooking, the travelling and so on - things can all get a little bit too much and before you know it, someone has snapped...

So, how were things in your household during the Christmas break?

Not so perfect? The odd bicker here and there perhaps? Well, maybe we can do better next year. Can you tell us:

  • What kind of things trigger family disagreements?

  • Are squabbles, arguments and rows inevitable?

  • Do things change as children grow up and parents get older?

  • Did you manage to resolve your differences in the end? If so, how?

  • Would you handle things differently in the future or are you just resigned to a repeat performance next year?

  • Or did you spend the break in perfect harmony with all your family? Great! Then tell us all your secret!

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