A Conversation for Clarinets

clarinets, help!

Post 1


I`ve been paying clarinet for about 9 years and have always had a Buffet B12. I`ve manged to create a pretty good tone even tho it`s plastic but have finally saved up the money to buy a wood one. I`ve been told by my teacher that I sould be looking at professional instruments such as the Buffet R13, Selmer 10SII or Selmer 10G. I`m not really sure how to choose between them. I have heard that The 10G is more of a solo instrument but that`s about it! Because I`ve always had a Buffet and loved it I`m kinda biased towards them too but don`t want to ignore something that could be better. I`m not going to do music professionally, but I want a really good instrument that I can keep for ever and I will never grow out of. Have you got any experiance of the instruments mentioned? Can you offer me any advice? I want to choose the right instrument but it`s kinda scary! Thanks!! smiley - smiley

clarinets, help!

Post 2

Gnomon - time to move on

The Buffet R13 is more or less the standard orchestral instrument in Europe. It's perfectly acceptable and plays well. If you are buying one, you should go to the clarinet shop and try out three or four. Pick the one you like the best. Use your own mouthpiece for this, for each of the four clarinets, not the one that is supplied with the R13, as it is usually pretty awful.

I can't comment on the other instruments you mention, but Selmer, LeBlacn and Yamaha are all recognised as good brands along with Buffet. You could try these out too. If the shop won't let you try the clarinet out, go to a different shop.

Have you got a good mouthpiece? You should certainly have something better than the mouthpiece that came with the B12 originally. A good moutpiece can make more difference to your sound than a new wooden clarinet.

clarinets, help!

Post 3

Gnomon - time to move on

I've got a Buffet E13 myself. It's not quite as expensive as the R13 but is a beautiful instrument. I've been told it is good enough for someone who is not playing professionally.

clarinets, help!

Post 4


I also have an E13 at the moment. Next week, I'm going to Howarth's in London to look for a pair I can use at music college. Do you have any suggestions? Also do you have any experience of the Howarth's own range of instuments?

clarinets, help!

Post 5


I've just been choosing a new clarinet to move on from my plastic one. I actually went to Howarth's of London and they were really helpful. Tried out lots of their clarinets....but for me the Buffet RC really stood out more than the R13 which I originally wanted. I eventually got the RC and it is amazing! really fabulous and definately worth the money. My teacher has a Howarth clarinet and likes it so I guess it's a personal thing.


clarinets, help!

Post 6

Spontaneous Randomisteny

i play on a Buffet R13 and its gorgeous but the Buffet DG is in my opinion the best...unfortunatly i dont think they make it any more but they have something very similiar. also a good recycled wood one can make a lovely tone.

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