A Conversation for Red Dwarf - The TV Series

All gone to pot.

Post 61

The Rain Girl, Keeper of Storytelling

They have all so sold their souls for the money. Give these guys a set of stuck-together egg boxes and blinking lights and they make some of the best TV I have ever seen. Give them a £100 000 budget and it all goes to pieces.
Did you know that one of the writers droped out for series 7&8? If you look at the books they each wrote you can understand why those series were so totally off-balance; the writers had really different styles and it was the blend between them that got the really great stuff; now starbug is out of control and on course for that rather large moon directly in their path. Shame.

All gone to pot.

Post 62

The Rain Girl, Keeper of Storytelling

They have all so sold their souls for the money. Give these guys a set of stuck-together egg boxes and blinking lights and they make some of the best TV I have ever seen. Give them a £100 000 budget and it all goes to pieces.
Did you know that one of the writers droped out for series 7&8? If you look at the books they each wrote you can understand why those series were so totally off-balance; the writers had really different styles and it was the blend between them that got the really great stuff; now starbug is out of control and on course for that rather large moon directly in their path. Shame.

All gone to pot.

Post 63

Seagull's Lost Horizon

yeah, and didn't robert lewellen?????, I can't quite remember the name, the one who played kryten write some

All gone to pot.

Post 64

Pink Monkey

Yeah he did. He co-wrote that 'dinner is ready' episode with 'Jane AustinWorld' and the tank. That was one of the better episodes. He's written a really cool book too; 'The man on platform Five' but that's not red Dwarf related. Funny though.

DOo't watch the eighth series, though

Post 65


I agree that the seventh series was bad, but you can't offend the eighth! Who doesn't laugh at the Dwane Dibley thing with the scutters?

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