A Conversation for Wedgies
How do you get out of a Wedgie?
Megadav Started conversation Dec 31, 2000
This guide entry gives useful information as to the severity of Wedgies, but it details no way of preventing oneself getting Wedgied or indeed what to do during and after Wedgieing incidents.
How do you get out of a Wedgie?
Q*bert Posted Jan 1, 2001
The only way to get out of a wedgie is to find a private area and pick the underwear out of your *&%$#@! As for avoiding wedgies, I recommend boxer shorts, self-defence courses, not being the teacher's pet, and trusting no one during gym class. Or wear a thong, which makes wedgies redundant.
How do you get out of a Wedgie?
DMaxxPhish Posted Jan 1, 2001
Is a thong not a painful occurrence as well? It is like perpetual wedgie-dom, all day. EEESH!
How do you get out of a Wedgie?
Martin Harper Posted Jan 1, 2001
Thongs are quite comfortable, actually - in my experience. Of course - if they're too tight it gets rather uncomfortable - so buy them at the right size...
But I don't think I would recommend them for wedgie-avoidance: I imagine that a thong wedgie would be rather more painful because there's less material to spread the load - it's the fakir+nailbed principle.
How do you get out of a Wedgie?
Unk Posted Jan 2, 2001
No underpants. Let it all hang out. It's the only way.
How do you get out of a Wedgie?
The Cow Posted Jan 2, 2001
Ah yes, but then you get the trouser wedgie... and if you're wearing shorts (as most primary school pupils do) then it could be, let's say, even more embarrassing as your 'one-eyed trouser snake' makes an impromptu appearance.
How do you get out of a Wedgie?
Martin Harper Posted Jan 3, 2001
How about a tight belt and slightly lower-riding underwear? Then they'd have nothing to grip...
Aside from that, any of the standard ways to try and stop people bullying you will have their typically low success rates.
How do you get out of a Wedgie?
fisher_sco Posted Sep 7, 2002
There is an easier way rather than wearing a tight belt- cos that just makes it sore when you sit down cos it squashes your belly. Do what we have being doing up here for centuries- wear a kilt!! No underwear = no wedgie + you get all the lovely wind :D
How do you get out of a Wedgie?
Saturnine Posted Sep 22, 2002
Perhaps you could be the one to be known to GIVE the wedgies. That way people would be too afraid to walk within two feet of you...and therefore you would avoid the proceedure yourself...
How do you get out of a Wedgie?
magicchipchip Posted Mar 27, 2006
It depends what type of wedgie it is, if you are at school and it happens to you then you might have a apir of scissors on you. If you do then you can cut your self free.
Then you can rush to teel a teacher (and show them your underwere if you wish)
How do you get out of a Wedgie?
magicchipchip Posted Mar 27, 2006
Yes, it would be an idea to have lower riding underwere but if you are like me you have your underwere up to your armpits, and i still dont kow why i get wedgies and no-body else does, its not fair.
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How do you get out of a Wedgie?
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