Tetrad - a poem
Of all poems seen read witnessed observed
the ones in books, the ones on pages in books
the sort that are centered on their page scream
a thing impossible without this perfect machine
in their standard position a broken solace is
frustrating enough to fully disparage the whole
forms from their sides cannot divine, forms not
apparent to the purveyant eye, what they mean
evades all grasp, for to the far away viewer or
perhaps to the reader without focusing eyes the
ambivalent form of molded word, the confusing
monochrome thought map means nothing more
than the meager shape produced upon the page
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Blue ones were bad for me. | Nov 3, 2000 |
welcome to h2g2... | Oct 31, 2000 |
mmm, blue ones | Oct 23, 2000 |
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How do you get out of a Wedgie? | Jan 1, 2001 | Mar 27, 2006 |
Buddhism | Dec 17, 2000 | Jan 11, 2001 |
Play Safe | Dec 17, 2000 | Dec 22, 2000 |
ooohs god? | Dec 17, 2000 | Dec 21, 2000 |
Solipsism | Dec 20, 2000 | No Replies |
Researcher U157748
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