A Conversation for How to Play the Tin Whistle
~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Started conversation Dec 26, 2000
Best instruction manual I've ever read on anything, ever. Clear, concise and user friendly. All my life several pleasures have eluded me (playing music, computer core languages, botany, etc) because no one could explain it properly or hold my attention. Over the years I have bought several whistles/flutes and tried to discover their secret pleasures to no avail. If only your instructions were typed up and included with every one sold. Thank you. In a few days I will have to shovel my 100 foot driveway and rejoin the world, and I'm gonna get me a new whistle at the mall and start the new year right.
~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Posted Jun 2, 2005
Botany? No, but I borrowed one once.
Good Lord,
Dec 26 2000,
that was a blast from the past.
It was at least another two years
before you even began to take me
seriously. Glad to see you've gotten
beyond that as well.
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