A Conversation for How to Play the Tin Whistle
tinwhistle Started conversation Sep 27, 2003
Ahh, one of my favorite subjects. I did a search for penney whistles and results turned up! I knew I was amongst intelligent beings. I can feel at home now. I've been playing my "Clarke" tinewhistles for about 2 years now and I have fallen in love with the instrument. It has opened numerous doors for me including playing carols at christmas time in our village, celtic music in bars (for free food and drink) religious accompianment in my church and membership to a dulcimer group. The tin whistle, a good cure for shyness!
Misha Somerville Posted Oct 19, 2010
Have you tried low whistles??
Misha Somerville
Gnomon - time to move on Posted Oct 19, 2010
It's hard to stretch your fingers to reach the holes on a low whistle, and they are quite quiet compared with a flute or recorder.
Zubeneschamali Posted Oct 20, 2010
I have a low D whistle, and it is very quiet, for which the rest of the household are thankful. I also have big hands, and can reach the holes easily enough. Checking at http://iruler.net/ I can spread those three fingers of either hand out to 11cm, 12 at a stretch.
The article describes two kinds of construction, the Clarke and the Generation, but my low D and the ones at the mkwhistles link are made in a third way, a single metal cylinder without a plastic mouthpiece.
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