A Conversation for Neverwhere
Gaiman didn't direct
Jim Lynn Started conversation Dec 12, 2000
The director of Neverwhere was Dewi Humphreys. Gaiman was the writer.
And strictly speaking, the term for a siz part series on BBC TV is 'serial' because a series is usually ongoing.
Gaiman didn't direct
Researcher PSG Posted Dec 12, 2000
I know he didn't direct, and no mention to him directing was in the original draft, the error must have been aquired in the edit. As can be pointed out if you look under the section on the book in the quote from Gaiman where he says he steals the style from Dewi(jokingly naturally).
As a bonus for your find, I'll point out the reason they chose Dewi was that he didn't complain about it shifting from drama to comedy, and didn't insist it stick to one style or the other.
Researcher 110126
Gaiman didn't direct
Researcher PSG Posted Dec 12, 2000
Ps I'll point out that both series and serial are acceptable, and by the way, it was six parts not, as you state, siz.
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Gaiman didn't direct
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