A Conversation for Tree Stump Extraction

Tree Stump Non Removal

Post 1

Andrew Lothian

I have just had a Leylandii cut down. It was 32 years old and was a 99 pence whip about 1 foot high when I planted it. The stump is over 1 metre wide and only about 1/2 metre high now. (It had reached well over ten metres in height). If I leave it as is, what are the chances of something like "honey fungus" or anything else unpleasant?

Tree Stump Non Removal

Post 2


I've not had anything funny on the one stump that I've left, which is also a conifer (five years on now)

I would think you would be alright - especially given that as it's a metre wide, it's got to be a professional job to remove it...


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