The h2g2 Tour - Contributing to the Guide

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Having read the earlier parts of this tour, you'll have some idea of the wide range of subjects the Guide covers. If you've written something but don't know how to get it published, or you'd like to learn how to write but don't know where to start, then h2g2 is the place to learn all about creative writing, literary criticism and new media publishing.

You can talk to helpful experts, exchange experiences with others who also want to learn how to write, and all this in an incredibly friendly environment where the emphasis is on helping each other to grow as writers, researchers and critics.

There's a whole page dedicated to Learning to Write on h2g2, but here are a few places where you can find out how to add your unconventional wisdom to the Guide:

  • Talking Point: Every week, there's a new Talking Point on the Front Page - these are topics designed to get conversations flowing within the h2g2 community.

  • Peer Review: When Researchers want to have their Guide Entries considered for the Edited Guide, they can put them up for Peer Review. It's a really friendly place to talk about what Researchers have been working on.

  • Alternative Writing: The Alternative Writing Workshop specialises in entries that don't fit into the Edited Guide. Here, you can find friendly advice from Researchers with an interest in fiction, poetry and other forms of writing.

Though everyone can read h2g2's Guide Entries, you must register in order to write your own. We'll cover registration on the next page.

This page replaces the original at A317521.

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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