A Conversation for Def Leppard - the Band


Post 1


Today, Def Leppard are widely considered an anachronism by both popular and metal press alike.

-- I was fine up until this point.

Anachronism : thing that does not belong in the period in which it was placed.

I have to strongly disagree.

"formation in 1977"
"Hysteria is the largest selling hard rock/metal album of all time, selling 12 million units in the US alone! "

"'Promises' hitting number one on the US Rock charts." in 1999, something Mr Robbie Williams has yet to do!

This decade has only just begun!

In the words of Def Leppard in Euphoria

"Like a Union Jack" We're back. and in the case of the fantastic
'X' ALBUM, We've Got a Long Way to Go.

Keep up the Great work.

In my humble opinion they are the best producers of high quality rock/metal/punk albums in the world.

Here's an interesting dictionary definition:
Punk : worthless person ---> in my humble opinion - NO SUCH THING!



Post 2

LeppardStalker - Keeper of the Copyrights

Too True!
X is a great album, and probably would have done better had it been promoted properly. With new management and a new album due out next year, hopes seem to be pretty high among Lepp fans. Their old stuff is great, but I do wish radios would pick up their newer songs, instead of playing them a few times then dropping them! They have a large, devoted fan base that will follow them no matter what they do, and I think there is still a chance for a comeback!
Def Leppard- Back In Your Face in 2006!


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