A Conversation for The Peak District, Derbyshire, UK
Nice place
Phil Started conversation Sep 8, 2000
A very nice part of the world it is too (ok I am biased as I was brought up near the edge of the park and have been there lots).
Do go and visit, but remember unlike other countries national parks the land isn't owned by the government. There are lots of landowners and people trying to make a living so do follow instructions about keeping to the path and shutting gates.
Nice place
Sue Posted Sep 10, 2000
I'm going up there myself next week for a holiday. We've been there a couple of times before and I really do like the place (Must admit my first love is Dartmoor) I prefer the Dark Peak, even though it can get very soggy underfoot.
A tip to anyone intending to visit Dovedale - do so on a weekday when it's absolutely chucking it down with rain. There are still quite a few people there but you can acually move without tripping over two dozen elderly ramblers!
Nice place
Metal Chicken Posted Sep 10, 2000
I prefer the Dark Peak too (and I also admit to being biased seeing as how I live there). It's that bit more rugged and it's easier to get away from the crowds. Dovedale's popularity is by far its biggest problem although even there if you walk on for half an hour or so you leave most of the coach parties and family picnickers behind.
Due to an editing misunderstanding, this entry is an old version. I'd not changed that much, but the later version can be read at http://www.h2g2.com/A271513
There's a link to the Peak District Authority's (very good) website there that people might be interested in.
Nice place
HappyDude Posted Sep 11, 2000
Talk about timing, I'm just about to get in the car and head up to my dad's in the Peak and what do I find but a nice article all about it.
Nice place
Phil Posted Sep 11, 2000
Ah I should be up near there (and driving through it) in a weeks time
The open moorland, the dark grey skies, beats London anytime
Nice place
HappyDude Posted Sep 11, 2000
You forgot the Fog! I could see naff all this morning coming over Tideswell Moor, barly see the front of the car because of the Fog.
Nice place
Metal Chicken Posted Sep 12, 2000
Ah the Fog. Well that's only up on the moors. Down here in the valleys we call it The Grey Skies and it contributes to the overall character of the area. Anyway, it doesn't rain ALL the time
Nice place
Sue Posted Sep 12, 2000
No it don't rain ALL the time - first time I went up there for a week I got sunburnt the first 3 days - it rained so much the last 4 days I nearly drowned!
Nice place
Sue Posted Sep 12, 2000
IF ( BIG if) I have enough petrol to acually GET there next week I will post a full and comprehensive weather report the following week
Nice place
Phil Posted Sep 13, 2000
Well you know what they say, if you can't see the other side of the valley, it's raining and if you can, it's about to rain...
Nice place
Sue Posted Sep 13, 2000
Well, the way things are at the moment with petrol, you might just get stuck with this Essex girl longer than a week. I've got enough petrol to get up there, but not to get back...... oh dear, how sad, never mind!
Nice place
HappyDude Posted Sep 13, 2000
Fill up before you get here, no fuel anywhere. Ive got just enough to fuel to get back to London.
Nice place
Tinkerbell *tumbleweed* Posted Sep 23, 2000
So which bits of the Peak is everybody in? I spend most weekends trampling round there and quite a lot of time in the Hope area as that's a good base for walking/climbing weekends. I hope to start work there soon too so anyone wandering around Longshaw Lodge may well see me stood looking cheerful in the rain...although it's been strangely sunny today which is quite worrying, must be due a thunderstorm tomorrow I guess
Nice place
Metal Chicken Posted Sep 24, 2000
You weren't wrong Tinkerbell, we had a few lightning strikes this morning and it's been heaving with rain all day long
I live near Glossop, but I spend a fair few of my weekends walking/gliding around and above the Hope valley too. Will your work involve being out in the open enjoying the scenery?
Nice place
Sue Posted Sep 24, 2000
Well, I made it back We hade a great time - although we were just over the county boundary in Staffordshire, overlooking a dale - wonderful. My legs ache though - sometimes its easy to forget just how flat Essex is! I really needed the peace and tranquility you have up there - I'm really jealous of all of you that have this on your doorstep.
Nice place
Tinkerbell *tumbleweed* Posted Sep 25, 2000
You have to remember that we also have many herds of cows on our doorsteps too and for those terrified of cows this can never be a good thing
I think I jinxed the weather, it absolutely chucked it down...still strangely warm though but I'm sure that'll have changed by the weekend
You live in Glossop...aaaah, walked through there so many times Do you ever go gliding up near Mam Tor? I love the views from up there. In April time when there was thick snow and ice everywhere, my friend and I went walking round from there to Derwent and the ice on the reservoir was stunning, although admittedly it was foggy enough to get as lost at the top of Lose/Win Hill though, we were wandering around for ages before we realised we were heading back in the wrong direction
Key: Complain about this post
Nice place
- 1: Phil (Sep 8, 2000)
- 2: Sue (Sep 10, 2000)
- 3: Metal Chicken (Sep 10, 2000)
- 4: HappyDude (Sep 11, 2000)
- 5: Phil (Sep 11, 2000)
- 6: HappyDude (Sep 11, 2000)
- 7: Metal Chicken (Sep 12, 2000)
- 8: Sue (Sep 12, 2000)
- 9: HappyDude (Sep 12, 2000)
- 10: Sue (Sep 12, 2000)
- 11: HappyDude (Sep 12, 2000)
- 12: Metal Chicken (Sep 13, 2000)
- 13: Phil (Sep 13, 2000)
- 14: Sue (Sep 13, 2000)
- 15: HappyDude (Sep 13, 2000)
- 16: Tinkerbell *tumbleweed* (Sep 23, 2000)
- 17: Metal Chicken (Sep 24, 2000)
- 18: Sue (Sep 24, 2000)
- 19: Tinkerbell *tumbleweed* (Sep 25, 2000)
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