The Hyborian Age: Stygia

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Location: North of the Kush, West of The Western Ocean, East of Darfar, South of Keshan

Location in the real world: Eygpt

Gods: Set, Derketo, Ibis

Current ruler: Pharaoh Ctesiphon

Like Shem to the north the biggest characteristic of Stygia is that it is comprised for the most part of a large featureless desert. The majority of the settlements in the country are based around the river Styx, the largest river in all of the Hyborians Kingdoms. This is not to say the land is infertile, as much of the land around the river is perfect farming soil. Much has become swamp land and in the depths of Stygia you will find the deadly Black Lotus; the friend of assassins since the dawn of there deadly trade.

Stygia has a distinct class system that reflects itself in the genetic makeup of each class. The upper class are much taller then the lower, said to have come from eastern stock where as the lower class is predominantly comprised of a mixed race (Hybori, Shemite, etc) due to slave culture in Stygias history. Both fractions are fairly few in number however, and so any rebellion (if the lower classes were so inclind) would likely lead to total ruin).

Yet for there small number Stygia is consider amongst the three most powerful nations in all the world alongside Khitai and Aquilonia. This power is in part stemmed from the Stygian Empire of old which once conqered Koth and Shem, as well as lands to the south. This however, slipped over the years upto the point where Stygia now merely receives tribute from these nations. Even so the Stygian hierarchy are no push overs. An oppoulent rulling class where the power of a noble is messured by the extravagence of his chariot and the slaves he can bring to battle has always looked on other nations as there subjects, and whilst not possessing the diversity of Aquilonia nor the shear size of Khitai, it has always been considered an opponent not to be triffled with. Part of this of course, stems from the serpant-god...

Stygia itself is a theocracy, meaning that its ruler is ineffect the head of its temples, and all Stygians worship the Stygian pantheon. It is from this that the serpant-god Set gains power over the southern lands, upto the point where Stygia doesn't have to physically invade to gain power over the populace. The temples themselves have become a political tool of conquest, and in countries like Zamora where the government is too greedy, the temple will raise a tower. These towers wil often be the largest thing in the city, acting as a sacraficial focal point. Oppulance is a characteristic of all Stygian upper class activities, and so the tower will usually be made of polished marble brought from some far off country. Huge serpants heads will mark enterances and exits and few people can resist the hypnotic effects of the serpant cult.

The more powerful nations are aware of this however, and usually the cult doesnt get to far in there schemes before they are one more thwarted. This is never done publicly though1, and so the cult of Set will often wage a silent war against the rullers of other nations. The Tower of Night in Asaglun is a perfect example of this, and often do the two sects come into bloody conflict.

The Great Cities of Stygia.

1Stygia will not tollerate a stain on its honor in view of the world

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