The Hyborian Age: Khemi

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Titles: Religious Capital

When travellers speak of the holy city of Khemi they speak in hushed tones. They speak of black walls dark enough to trap the souls of men, a godless place of madmen and murders, and of the real power in Stygia. Khemi is the black city of the snake god Set.

The city is, in effect, a giant temple dedicated to Set and rulled over by his Priesthood. Whilst it does have a large port, and a large population, these are for the most part given over to supporting the religious machine that is the Priesthood. The city, and the priesthood are control by the high priest Thutothmes, the Snake Prophet. Such is the power that this man holds that he is in effect Lord of Stygia with the Pharoah only holding power at his whim. The entire country worships Set as there primary diety1, and as such look towards Thutothmes for guidance.

This isn't something that the cult uses to the extent it could however. Rather then raising a religious army2, it insteads trains and sends people around the world to establish the covens of Set. These cults are experts at infiltrating the nobility, undermining key political posts and taking over nations. Who knows how many nations are rulled over by an agent of Set? Such is the insidious nature of the priesthood.

The city is dominated by several black pyramids, of which the largest gives a complete overveiw of the port and the city. This pyramid serves as the main temple and place of sacrifice, and victims are brought here regularly to suffer in the name of the snake god. It is said that giant snakes lurk within these walls, tended too by the priests like doteing parents. Whether this is true or not can't be known, but few outsiders ever travel to Khemi to learn the truth.

1Althoguh there are smaller cults amongst the nobility, and the slaves occasionaly try and retain there old religions.2Although it is spoken that the priesthood has a standing army hidden within the cities walls

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