The Hyborian Age: Sukhmet

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Titles: None

Sukhmet isn't like the large walled fortress-like cities more common to Stygia. The land around is flat and fertile; perfect land for farming and as such much of the region refered to as Sukhmet1 is completely covered in open crop land.

Partly because of this, coupled with its location on the road from Darfar, that it is a popular trading route. Such terrain is ideal for caravans so much so in fact that it is practically unheard of for raiders too act them successfully - the large open fields make any attempted ambush a suicide mission.

The main village, which just so happens to be situated on the caravan road, has all the things you would expect from an area thats practically self sustaining. Theres a blacksmith who works off ore brought from Darfar, theres a small temple just outside of the village where one of the younger of Set's priests resides, as well as the usual tavarns and such that villages usually have. However there is one notible exception to the norm; Davik the healer. The nature of the work around Sukhmet, and the frequency of travellers who've come from more dangerous roads is high, and Davik finds his trade thriving here, mainly due to there being no competition for many many miles.

The priest however actively works against Davik, seeing his work as against the will of Set.

1Whilst technically only the small central village is actually Sukhmet, it is now broadly accepted that the farm houses and hamlets are part of Sukhmet

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