A Conversation for Sex and the Average Teenager

Teenage Sex

Post 1


Well, although it may not be the same for everyone, I don't see much of the harm of having your first time in (at the earliest) mid-high school years.

One statement in the article mentioned that having sex before you truely know yourself is bad, if not hard to manage... But, although again it may just be me, it wasn't that difficult of an ordeal. Infact, as the years passed it served to be a serious stress reliever when going through some of those tougher classes.

Sex at it's simplest level is enjoyment, and overall a great sense of enjoyment for all walks of life. Of course it needs to be done right (as in safe), but I truely don't believe there is a way to improperly go about your first time, unless:
1. You are drunk,
2. not using protection, or
3. trying it with the local smut.

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Teenage Sex

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