A Conversation for A Short History of the United States of America

Nitpicking the war of 1812-1814

Post 1

Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant

"Legend has it that the first lady herself saved many of the important documents as the British burned the White House."

It's not a legend, it's true. Dolly laid out a feast to distract the soldiers while she and her servants smuggled treasures from the house, including the famous Gilbert Stuart portrait of George Washington that she sliced out of its frame with a knife from the buffet table and stuffed down her dress (the painting, not the knife). Also, at that time the White House was the Palace of the President, as named in L'enfant's plan for the design of Washington DC. After the war, when the house was rebuilt, it was named the White House.

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