A Conversation for Mornington Crescent - the Game
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Apollyon - Grammar Fascist Started conversation Mar 31, 2005
Finally, an explanation of the rules! This is seriously welcome, however vague, especially after those b*****ds at the 'Mornington Crescent Appreciation Society' refuse to help newbies like me get into their favourite hobby...
And that link at the end about there being no rules? Fabulous! Now I truly understand it, and will do my very best to annoy proper players as much as possible.
Query - this game is (supposedly) basically about the London Underground, correct? Yet the 'modern age' is said to have begun in 1543, well before the Underground was even built. Care to enlighten me?
Thank you!
Danny B Posted Mar 31, 2005
"Query - this game is (supposedly) basically about the London Underground, correct? Yet the 'modern age' is said to have begun in 1543, well before the Underground was even built. Care to enlighten me?"
I think it works on the principle that the London Underground has always existed as a concept, a statistical probability, a quantum field, maybe. The original inventors and developers of the game were perhaps tapping into a reverse future projection of what was eventually to become the Underground. They were truly ahead of their time.
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